How to grow a member at home, detailed tips and advice. What can be used for penis enlargement, baking soda, massage and exercise. Experience and useful advice for men of all ages.
How to make a member bigger
Not for nothing do men call penis dignity. Self-esteem largely depends on size. Therefore, men try to make the penis look bigger and can give pleasure to the partner. Below are the main methods of changing the size of the penis.
The penis is an important organ for men. Complaints about insufficient size may be encountered. Men often think about this unfounded. A member can be considered small, the length of which is less than 8 cm in an excited state. Ways to enlarge your penis and how to enlarge your penis at home:
- the use of special tools (gels, tablets);
- massage techniques;
- perform specially designed exercises;
- pump application.
It is important that the method is not only effective, but also safe for men's health. So it will be possible to teach a good and thick penis.
Using baking soda at home
A simple and inexpensive home remedy is baking soda. You can use it in the form of baths. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a liter of water. The penis in a state of non-arousal should be immersed in the solution for 10 minutes. You will soon notice a slight increase in size in length.
Rubbing baking soda into a slightly moist penis is fine. This scrub should be applied avoiding the head to avoid irritation. It is not recommended to use soda for men with individual intolerance, urological problems and inflammation of the penis.
How else can you do?
A simple and convenient option is to perform specific exercises. Some men are not happy with this and try to find other ways. How can you stretch a small member, it will not be difficult to find an answer to this question.
A common option is to use a pump device that gradually draws out the penis. Use the device only as directed.
During intimacy, you can use a special ring. It puts pressure on the base of the penis, preventing the outflow of blood. Due to this, you can safely enlarge the penis during sex and prolong the act.
One of the most effective ways to change the size of the penis is to use a nozzle. During sex, it helps to increase the penis by an average of 5 centimeters. The partner will notice this adaptation, but at the same time both partners will receive new sensations from intimacy, which will add variety.
There are penis enlargement products for sale. Typically, these are gels that stimulate blood flow. The action of such funds is short-term, it is sufficient only for the duration of the relationship. Some gels have a cumulative effect, increasing the penis by a couple of centimeters. When choosing such funds, it is important to carefully study the composition in order to prevent irritation.
Another option for a real increase in dignity is plastic surgery. This operation can only be performed by a qualified technician. The method is expensive, moreover, immediately after the operation, a period of abstinence from sex is involved.
Massage: instructions for use
At home, make the penis thicker and you can do more with massage. Before starting, it is recommended to warm the penis by applying a warm and wet towel 3 times in a row. This will provide blood flow and improve the effectiveness of the procedure. The massage can be done both dry and with lubricant.
In both cases, the instruction is similar and involves the following actions:
- By making alternate movements, bring the penis to an erection.
- Pull the foreskin back and bring it back.
- Massage the entire length of the penis without touching the head.
It is recommended to perform up to 60 movements, i. e. 15 minutes of massage.
Exercises for the penis
There are special exercises that help ensure that the penis becomes bulky and thick:
- grasp the base of the excited penis with a ring of the index and thumb, then slowly lift it, stretching the penis (it is recommended to do 40 repetitions to begin with, increasing every day, leading to 200);
- squeeze the penis with the palm, squeezing for 10 seconds, avoiding painful sensations, during this it is necessary to take the penis in different directions.
Only with regular exercise can you see the result.
How to make a bigger head

In some men, an augmentation of the glans is necessary. This is necessary when the width is less than or equal to the penis. In this case, a man and a woman do not get full sensations from sex. You can also improve the head yourself with the help of special manipulations.
The result is a contraction of the penis erect at the base. You have to hold your fingers until the onset of maximum erection. Then release the penis and, if relaxation occurs, repeat the manipulation. It is recommended to perform the presented exercise 10 times a day. This will help enlarge the glans and achieve a long-lasting erection.
For the next exercise, sit on the edge of a bed or chair with your legs apart. After taking the starting position, squeeze the penis with your hand at the base and gently strike the right and left legs. It is important that exercise is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation for 5-7 minutes.
Furthermore, the volume of the head can be increased using movements similar to milking a cow. To do this, you need to move your fingers from the base to the head, without reducing the force of the impact. Take 10 minutes a day. During the exercise, there is active blood flow to the head of the penis.
Any of the above exercises can be combined. A good result can only be achieved if it is performed regularly for the specified time. It is important that the manipulations do not cause pain and discomfort.

Some men want to make an outward impression on women. To do this, they try to make the penis appear visually extended. If a man is clearly overweight, losing weight will help. Gradually, the fat deposits will leave the abdomen and pubic area and the penis will become more massive.
In men, a lot of hair is found on the pubis and testicles and also covers the base of the penis. It is recommended to get rid of it, then the penis will visually become a couple of centimeters longer.
There are special panties that visually make the penis voluminous. Due to this, a man will be able to impress, because even through the pants such dignity stands out.